Larry MollinBEFORE MOVING TO LOS ANGELES, Larry Mollin was a playwright and the artistic director of Homemade Theatre, a seminal performance group of the 1970s in Toronto, Canada. Transitioning to Hollywood, he wrote and produced prime time TV for over 30 years,beginning with CHiPS. He is best known for his work on Beverly Hills, 90210 for which he wrote and produced 128 hours from 1993-1998-the zenith of the show's success. Mollin returned to the theater world in 2012 with a 1960s-themed trilogy of plays produced in New York City, London, and Martha's Vineyard. Turning to long form, he created the Max Dean Adventures, a trio of novels about an aging detective with a rock-and-roll background. Mollin is also a published poet and songwriter, as well as the cohost of the internationally popular podcast Beverly Hills 90210 Show.Now, with The Pool Guy's Kid, a novel, Mollin is back in the young adult world of Beverly Hills, with a voice as fresh and witty as ever. Read More Read Less
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