Larry Luv

Larry LuvI was born in South Carolina, and my father brought my 5 siblings and my mother to New York City when I was 6 years old. I am the oldest male in my family of 5 brothers and 8 sisters. My mother raised all of us by way of public assistance and her abiity to hustle. I had to fight to protect my family, and I was in an other of institutions and reform schools until I turned 16 years old and at 17 years old I meet Rikers Island and read some of the Bible leading to my street name Love God. When I was a kid my favored movies was all the gangster movies. In 1968 I met heroin and used it for 2 years and made up my mind that I had enough of it. I served 7 and a half years for manslaughter and became a African American Black gangster, I then served 8 years and 9 months for organized crime and while service time I came to terms with the need of God in my life under the Holy name of Jesus Christ. I read the Bible in those 8 years and 9 months about 25 times from page one to the end. I begin to hear the voice of my God speak to me regarding making better life choices. Read More Read Less

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