Kristy SweetlandKristy Sweetland focuses her writing passions on guiding others through transitions that lead to personal fulfillment. Her professional mastery is in the release, exploration and transformation of deep blocks associated with fear, self-doubt or unsee patterns which impede life goals and hinder the recognition of passion and purpose. To accomplish this, she uses her wealth of intangible talents combined with her professional credentials which include a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Minnesota, a master's degree in psychology with a Certified Professional Coach Certificate from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, and her professional executive coaching credential through The International Coach Federation. Strongly attuned to others going through soul-level struggles on life direction, Kristy serves/guides people through their transitions. Answering her own soul-level call-to-action launched her into a series of mystical, immersive experiences that dramatically altered the course of her life, placing her on the path to fulfilling her own destiny. Today a transformational coach, Kristy serves full-time as a guide for those on the path to owning and cultivating their own intuitive gifts. In both personal and executive coaching arenas, she cultivates her clients' power to develop and fulfill their dreams. For more than a decade, navigating with grace, love and intuition, she has coached a base of international clients from diverse industries including veterinary medicine, software development, health care, education, law, civil and industrial engineering, publishing, divisions of federal government and many more. Today Kristy operates her writing and her coaching practice from her home base in Northern New Mexico, surrounded by the love of her husband and an entourage of beloved four-legged companions. The Fascinated Observer, co-authored with Nina Brown, represents the merging of her lifetime of experiential training, wisdom, psychology and philosophy. Read More Read Less