Kristen MarieKristen is an author, health coach, speaker, creator, and encourager. She whole-heartedly believes in the God-designed zoë life that Jesus came to bring, and it is her passion to help all connect to His abundance too. Jesus said, I came that they mayhave life and have it abundantly.John 10:10 Kristen carries a call to see the church become healthy and whole in their bodies, souls, and spirits. She has created a number of resources to empower others to make choose-life choices in areas of fitness, food, self, family, and the home. Her heart is to help them navigate life's challenges and bear good fruit in every season. Kristen believes movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states. Through her encouragement and guidance, many people are becoming unstuck, making choose-life choices and moving forward in their journey. Although originally from Tulsa, OK, Kristen currently lives in Northern California. If you're feeling stuck, and ready to take the next step, invite Kristen to be part of your journey! Connect: Read More Read Less
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