Kris Rock

Kris RockKristina Rock is a technical writer who has hadmany homes, but presently lives in NewportNews, VA. She wrote and edited documentsfor NASA Langley and contracted for manyaircraft and financial companies. She recentlywrote financial manuals, guides, an softwareinstructions for the US Coast Guard FinancialSystem. She attended many universitiesand earned more than 500 college credits insubjects as varied as mechanical engineering, anthropology, business, nursing, languages, journalism, and others. One day she hopes towrite a dystopian science fiction classic. She is a happy wife, mother ofthree, and grandmother of three. She enjoys reading voraciously andwatching edgy movies. She is highly interested in plant medicines andthe potential they hold for treating mental illnesses. She has two largedogs that she lets in and out all day long. Read More Read Less

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