Kofi Kasha Makka Abakan-baan stalk naked and barefooted eena humble hovel ina 'shithole' dungle now reside ina concrete jungle, alongside; Rakehells, Pussygrabbers, Draftdodgers Taxevaders, other Vermin, maybe some 'gud ppl' on the whiteside of the 'blockn steel picket fence in Suburbanhood-from Cassia Gate, on Bethabara SugarLoaf SpicyMound PhantillandaFrontier MountJoy Steve took MilkRiver Bath joyride eena She healing stream, using Devon Prickly Pole as the'Rod Of Navigation' entered NunsPen VirginValley HappyGrove, where he revel n wile, nostalgically Rock n Roll eena Mento, Calypso, Ska, Reggae, Rhythm n Blues stylie while his demented mind temporarily repose from the onslaught of the raining blows of the 'Sycophantic Hostility n Brutality' being; executed, administered, inflicted by Chickens, Barr None, most Infamous; despicable n deplorable, hateful n spiteful vicious n vindictive; Bigot, Fascist, Race-I-st Pole-I- Trick-al Narcissistic Anarchist and Scatölites-HaniNasty Phuckers Read More Read Less
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