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Kobby Naj

Kobby NajMeet Naj, a devout believer, passionate author, creative designer, and health educator with a deep-rooted commitment to holistic living and inspiring others to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. With a diverse range of interests and a background in gaphic design, Naj is constantly exploring new genres and topics, from heartwarming children's stories to steamy adult love stories, seeking to inspire and educate readers of all ages.Naj's writing is both enjoyable and educational, disseminating knowledge and concepts that can help readers lead healthier and more satisfying lives. Drawing on his expertise in health and wellness, Naj brings a unique perspective to the literary world, inspiring readers with a focus on creative expression and holistic living. He writes health and wellness books as well as creative, business, and finance books, using his experience as a health educator and designer to create visually stunning and informative materials that captivate and educate his audience.His passion for creative design and health education gives him a sharp sense of design and a rich understanding of health and wellness. He has helped many clients and organizations over the years to convey complex health concepts in a captivating and easy-to-understand way.When he's not busy writing, Naj can be found exploring new book genres and seeking inspiration for his next story. He believes in the power of storytelling to inspire, delight, and educate, and his latest book, "Tales of Motherly Love: 20 Short Stories of Love to Inspire and Delight," is a testament to his love for storytelling and his belief in the power of maternal love. In his free time, Naj enjoys spending quality time with his family and seeking inspiration from the great outdoors.With a commitment to creativity, education, and holistic living, Naj is sure to captivate and inspire readers with his writing on health and wellness, creative design, business, and finance topics. Read More Read Less

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Tales of Motherly Love2 % NR
Publisher: Draft2digital
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13 May 2023
International Edition
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Whispers of Fatherhood7 % NR
Publisher: Draft2digital
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17 Jun 2023
International Edition
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