Kit PowerKit Power lives in Milton Keynes and writes horror and dark crime fiction, with occasional forays into dystopian science fiction. His fiction work includes a novel, 'GodBomb!', and a novella collection 'Breaking Point', two short story collections (' Warning About Your Future Enslavement That You Will Dismiss As A Collection Of Short Fiction And Essays By Kit Power' and 'Voices') and novellas 'The Finite' and 'A Song For The End'. His non-fiction work includes a limited edition hardback on the Ken Russell/The Who movie 'Tommy' (from PS Publishing) and regular posts at Gingernuts of Horror (the series you've just read, and also a first-read response series to the work of Brian Keene). In his increasingly inaccurately labelled spare time, he podcasts - as one third of the apparently indescribable fortnightly Discord show Writeopolis(@Writeopolis), one half of What The Hell Is Wrong With Us? with George Daniel Lea, and a Patreon exclusive show on the Sherlock Holmes canon with the legendary Jack Graham and Daniel Harper. For monthly updates on what he's getting up to, sign up to his newsletter at: https: // weekly early access to his fiction, non-fiction, and podcasting work, visit . Read More Read Less
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