King Of Great Britain and Ir William IV

King Of Great Britain and Ir William IV

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Substance of the Speech of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the House of Lords, on the Motion for the Recommitment of the Slave Trade Limitation Bill, on the Fifth Day of July, 1799.NR
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Substance of the Speech of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the House of Lords, on the Motion for the Recommitment of the Slave Trade Limitation Bill, on the Fifth Day of July, 1799. Fourth Edition. ...28 % NR
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Substance of the Speeches of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the House of Lords, on April 5th, May 16th, 21st, and 23d, 1800, Against the Divorce Bill.28 % NR
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Substance of the Speech of His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, in the House of Lords, on the Motion for the Recommitment of the Slave Trade Limitation Bill, on the Fifth Day of July, 1799. ...2 % NR
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