Kimberly J Pearson

Kimberly J PearsonKimberly Pearson, retired US Army veteran, mother of six, wife of the best husband, and rancher of goats, has enjoyed writing short stories and songs for her children for years. While many have encouraged her to write her own story, it was never possble until now. When she saw a scene play out over and over again, she felt it was a sign. It was like God had given her a way to share her own story and heal from some of the trauma in her life. Though her life has not been easy, as no life is, she enjoys time spent reading good books and hanging out with her family. She loves being outside with her animals on her Mississippi farm-whether that means wrangling chickens and rabbits or herding goats. Being outside gives her peace, and her family is her treasured gift. She hopes that others will see themselves in her stories and realize that they too can be healed. Read More Read Less

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07 Dec 2021
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