Kim Harvey Brannan

Kim Harvey BrannanKim Harvey Brannan has been exploring grace and faith most of her life. She has created Bible studies for almost four decades, serving as an inspiring teacher at her local church in Tampa, Florida. Kim is engaging, thoughtful and original in her apprach to gleaning the truth of Scripture. Her enthusiasm for God's Word lights a passion within her to search deeply for the mysteries and wonders of God.Kim was born and raised in Tampa, where she currently resides within walking distance to beautiful Tampa Bay. She is a passionate reader and writer. She retired a few years ago from a successful career in legal marketing and now is an avid traveler, discovering the beauty and handiwork of God. It brings her great joy to share the fruit of her explorations with others. Her enthusiastic personality is contagious as she plants seeds in the hearts of many to seek a deeper faith. She believes that we can all know joy and peace living a life grounded in God's purpose and passion. In her debut book, Quiet Conversations, Kim helps guide readers toward understanding the unique ways that God expresses Himself in our lives. Her life experiences back up the validity of each aspect of God's nature. She shares stories with candor and raw emotion. Her book is a breath of fresh air, offering hope and personal peace amid life's challenges, disappointments and hardships. Read More Read Less

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