Kim Creswell

Kim CreswellKim Creswell is a willow sculptor, painter of horse drawn caravans, and medical herbalist. Kim's unique skill set has been refined by her deep green lifestyle, submerged in the British countryside, working with the wilds. Deeply heldenvironmental and political beliefs led Kim to a nomadic life at an early age. Travelling for many years with a horse and wagon, on the peripheries of main-stream society, allowed the development of abilities often lost - a connection with plants, animals and the twitching web of wyrd which can only be found with long term emersion. During her thirties, Kim purchased a plot of mono-crop land at auction and, employing traditional methods, has actively supported its regeneration. Twenty years on the land is now an off-grid nature reserve and small holding which supplies a vast array of food, medicine and craft materials. Kim lives with her horse companions alongside hares, barn owls, badgers, bats and foxes at their bucolic oasis, and is active in the local community raising awareness and promoting biodiversity. Read More Read Less

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A Celebration of Willow21 % NR
Publisher: Aeon Books Ltd
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26 Mar 2024
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