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Kianoosh Rampour

Kianoosh RampourKianoosh Rampour is currently a student pursuing a doctorate in physical therapy. He holds a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology-Exercise Science and another bachelor's degree in chemical engineering. Art is Kianoosh's passion, and he professionally pratices pyrography, creating pictures using wood and fire, drawing inspiration from natural sights.As a medical student, Kianoosh frequently encounters people with diverse mindsets and perspectives on life. This exposure has inspired him to blend his artistic talents with real-life experiences, encouraging people to see life from a different angle and to find harmony between nature and their daily lives.Kianoosh believes that coloring books offer a personal space for individuals to reimagine aspects of life, manage stress, and increase their sense of purpose. By choosing and applying colors, people can connect with their emotions and bring a bit of creativity and peace into their lives. His coloring books aim to provide that unique, calming experience for everyone. Read More Read Less

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