Kevin J Fleming

Kevin J FlemingDr. Kevin J. Fleming has witnessed the transformational power of language as an educator, Founder and CEO of Catapult, college administrator, and father. He is a passionate advocate for ensuring all learners intentionally equip their potential, enterthe labor market with a competitive advantage, and find their purpose on purpose. As President of Fleming Research International, his pioneering research inspires initiatives and awakens individuals across the globe. He is the producer of multiple viral animation videos including Success in the New Economy and author of several book titles, including the educational bestseller, (Re)Defining the Goal and the children's career exploration book, There'sA Hat For That!A philomath and recovering academic elitist, Dr. Fleming has earned five degrees studying in America, Italy, and at Oxford University. He is a highly requested keynote speaker on the themes of career readiness, educational transformation, leadership, and language to a widevariety of governmental and professional groups. He is a proud eagle scout, member of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, and disciple of Christ. Dr. Fleming resides in California with his wife and daughter. He welcomes hearing from readers and may be reached through his website, Read More Read Less

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