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Kevin G Beckman

Kevin G BeckmanIn the 21st century, Simon Magus, the great nemesis of Saint Peter, returned to our world bringing the gift of magic. His gift soon proved to be a curse. Humanity nearly destroyed itself with its new powers in a global war that reshaped the face of te planet. Centuries later, new civilizations have arisen atop the ashes of the old. Ordinary people are still preyed upon by witches, the undead, dragons, and other mythical beings made real. Their number one defense against the powers below are the Knights Templar of the Order of Saint Benedict - better known as the Witch Hunters. Witch Hunter Captain Silas Flint and his faithful assistant Ricardo Navarro return in this second omnibus of terror! This time they face ruthless assassins, horrifying demons, and the return of the most terrible necromancer to ever walk the earth. All the while, Captain Flint's brother, the twisted wizard Charles Flint, combines the sorcery of the 26th century with 21st century science to unleash unspeakable evils in his quest to become the Emperor of all Magicians. The Flint brothers are on a collision course that will shake the foundations of this broken world that used to be ours. This compendium includes three full length novels - The Cold Road, The Warlock's Crown, and Two Masters - detailing the further adventures of Captain Flint and his companions. Let witches beware, for their judgment is at hand! Read More Read Less

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Savage Tales of Silas FlintNR
Publisher: KGB Books
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07 Sep 2022
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