Kevin E Deckel

Kevin E DeckelKevin Deckel, a native New Englander, was born in Worcester, Massachusetts. After graduating from Scituate High, he enlisted in the service in November of 1968. Following Basic and Specialist Training as an Infantryman he found himself en route to Vitnam. There, back home was called "The World" life "In Country" was otherworldly in ways only those who have experienced it can attest. He considers himself extraordinarily fortunate to have made it back. During the decades since April of 1970, he has worked in construction, food service, commercial fishing, gambling, healthcare, crypto, transportation, and publishing. He lives on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in the village of Marstons Mills, where he maintains a sense of peace and harmony with a spiritual solution while attending to the physical and mental health challenges of aging out. Read More Read Less

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