Kerrin Margiano

Kerrin MargianoI have spent decades recording how disparate learning processes are wildly interesting. My journey as a coach began in college, which is when I started noticing the wide variety of reactions to instructions. The young gymnasts had diverse triggers, ad none processed training in the same way. As a twenty-year-old, it took time to accept their differences but learning to do this proved more valuable than my talent or theirs. I developed a pedagogy for young children and am driven to guide people to enjoy the early years. Later in life, I had four children, and watching their distinctiveness expand was the opportunity of a lifetime. I kept a journal for each, simply out of my own curiosity. It served as my record of their unique reactions to life. I did not think the writing would be of interest to anyone else, but then these journals became each child's nighttime storybook of choice. Most of the sentences were sloppily written in the midst of chaos, but the specifics captured could only be noticed at that crazy point in time. My decision to raise my four children on a rock in the Caribbean Sea, far away from family and society as I knew it, put an interesting twist on life. The small island gave me a chance to notice subtleties I may have missed in a faster-paced environment. When you get the opportunity to look from a different perspective, you have the potential to expand your view.What an exciting time to be alive, as recent discoveries provide the chance to exchange guesswork for the science of using the brain as a manageable resource. It is refreshing how scientists today can open-source their findings so more people can benefit. My B.S. from the University of Wisconsin is not in neuroscience. I learned about the accessible tools we all possess by experimenting on myself for half a century. We will walk around with this brain and body for our allotted time, so I consider conducting self-experimentation a valuable use of time. When trying something new is an opportune time to state an educated guess about how the variables will make me feel. I find it worthwhile to keep a record of experiments that improve the quality of my life. I seek out experiences that make me feel young. 1. Chances of staying young improve with maintaining mobility. The "Fountain of Youth," can be tapped if you enjoy the view while walking along the way. 2. Another secret ingredient to maintaining youthfulness is enjoying moments spent with young children. It makes me feel young when spending time with a child. 3. Leaving a positive review may help you look and feel younger, so please consider letting me know on Amazon if you found ways to enjoy the gift of childhood. Thank You! You can connect with me on: http: // https: // https: // https: // Read More Read Less

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Enjoy the Gift of Childhood21 % NR
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14 Nov 2022
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