Kenton N Lor

Kenton N LorKenton is the founder of Kenton Lor Ministries, an anointed and gifted teacher of the Word of God, and a servant of the God Most High. The Lord desires that every believer live a life of excellence, holiness, and success reflective of Him who createdus and for His glory. Therefore, Ken's ministry is focused not only on teaching God's truths but also on the application of the Word in a person's life so that they may be set free (John 8:32) and live a life of abundance (John 10:10). Founded on the premise of Isaiah 1:19, Kenton Lor Ministries operates four unique ministerial arms as follow: imitating HIM (General Ministry) - To train believers to be like Jesus or be doers of the Word through faith and help them to discover and use their God-given gifts to serve the kingdom of God and others. Financial Victory. God'$ Way! (Financial Ministry) - To educate God's children on His financial truths so they can be good financial stewards and live the financial life the Lord intends for them. Choose God Over Drugs (Toxicology Ministry) - To educate believers on the truths and dangers of drugs and equip them with the Word so that they choose God over drug abuse and overdose. Show Me the Father IN HIM (Fatherhood Ministry) - To impart God's fatherly truths to born again Christian men and train them to become the fathers God intends them to be. Read More Read Less

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