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Kent B Kearney

Kent B KearneyKent Kearney is a writer and a landscape artist who lives with his wife, Denise, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. They have two daughters and one grandchild. He was born in Kearney, Nebraska, in 1946 and grew up on a cattle ranch in Custer County, Nebrska which still includes his great-grandfather's original homestead. Eyes That Do Not See is his first novel about the life of his great-grandfather, an orphan, an Irish immigrant, and Confederate Civil War veteran.In 2017 Kent and his youngest daughter took a trip to Ireland in an attempt to find more information about his great grandfather, Henry Kearney, but were largely unsuccessful. They found little about him but learned a great deal about the history of Ireland. He decided to write his first novel using what little information he had about his great grandfather but using the history of the times he lived in.Kent is a graduate of the University of Nebraska in Lincoln with a degree in Business Administration. After graduation he worked in public accounting and became a Certified Public Accountant. He went into private business in the 1970s and in the early nineties he went to work as the Chief Financial Officer for a manufacturing firm in Kansas and retired from there in 2008. Read More Read Less

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