Kensit Pam

Kensit PamPam Kensit was born in Southern Ireland. She met David while on a visit to Australia at the Narrawa Memorial Hall at 7am on New Year's Day 1989. After a stint in Ireland where they married, she and David moved to the family farm, Moorabinda, in ruralNew South Wales in 1990. Once on the farm she threw herself into farm life and into the Crookwell community.In 2000, Pam published her first book, Top of the Range Women. Then in 2005 she published Comfortable Food, a local cookbook featuring rural food. From 2016 she has served on the Upper Lachlan Shire Council.In 2018 her book Dust to Mud was published. She has produced two children's books in her Weeloo series. She is an accomplished painter, showing her work both internationally and locally.She has two adult children, Simon, and Pippa.Pam lives at Moorabinda with David, three Jack Russell's, a rescue greyhound, four kelpies, two cats and five horses and a lot of sheep.Poems outside the Fold is her first book of poetry. Read More Read Less

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