Kenneth I Ma

Kenneth I MaKENNETH MA was born in Taiwan and came to the United States as a graduate student when he was twenty-six years old. He has been living in Los Angeles, California, for thirty-plus years. His academic background is in electronic hardware and computer sftware engineering. Today he and his wife lead a real estate settlement services (escrow) company in the Los Angeles area. Although a top student in his English classes in Taiwan, he found that he was unable to properly communicate with the Americans he met in his junior year in college. The English teaching system taught students how to pass tests but did not put any emphasis on actual communication. As there were very few Americans in Taiwan at that time the actual speaking of English outside of the classroom was rare. Since then, he started his long and lonely journey to improve his English speaking skills. By immersing himself in the English speaking environment whenever possible--speaking English at work, at home, with friends--his speaking skills have steadily improved. He developed the 66English system and it has worked for him and his students. This book is the culmination of many years of effort. In it, the author shares the methods and experiences that have worked for him and other Chinese. This is a book that he has wanted to write for the last eleven years; and with its publication, he will finally be able to share what he knows. Read More Read Less

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