Kenneth E Harrell

Kenneth E HarrellMy name is Kenneth E. Harrell, and I am a cybersecurity engineer with over three decades of professional experience in the technology field. Born in Oakland, California, I grew up in the Bay Area. I hold advanced degrees in Information Systems, Inforation Technology, and Information Security and Organizational Leadership, along with extensive training in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Currently, I reside in Northern California with my wife of twenty years. I've always been captivated by three things: the ancient past, the present, and the distant future. To me, these eras are inextricably linked. Ancient history speaks to us through mythology, legend, and symbolism, revealing who we were and where we've been. The present is where history is made and futures are forged. Events occur in cycles, propelling us toward unknown destinies. Science fiction invites us to dream of future worlds, both wondrous and cautionary, like mythological warnings from a future yet to unfold. I believe our present actions, words, and writings matter deeply because the future is always watching. Read More Read Less

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07 Sep 2024
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