Kelly Wielhouwer

Kelly WielhouwerKelly Spence Wielhouwer was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, to Rod and Marilyn Spence. As avid and excellent athletes, they inspired her and two siblings to love competition and athletics as well. Kelly earned a degree in educational psychology from theUniversity of Georgia and a master's degree in rehabilitation counseling from Auburn University. Even though a tragic accident left her comatose and legally blind with a life-long brain injury, she enjoys tennis, pickle ball, ballroom dancing, snow-skiing, traveling, and public speaking. Kelly recently married John Wielhouwer, "the love of my life." They reside in Hernando, Florida. "God offered me a new life with more meaning, more beauty, and more promise than I could ever imagine possible. I've learned that everything happens for a reason; nothing is impossible with God. He is in the miracle-making business."Kelly would enjoy hearing from you at Read More Read Less

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