Kelly Trivedy

Kelly TrivedyKelly Trivedy holds a multi-faceted career in education spanning across multiple course specialisms. She is an independent Academic Consultant, Tutor and Coach with Advance HE Senior Fellow status specialising in Higher Education with a key focus on eflective practice, critical thinking and research projects. Upon completion of the Post-Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), Kelly worked as an Academic Skills Coach and Lecturer for Law. She has worked in various Higher Education and Further Education settings. Kelly's expertise in Academic Practice and Educational Development is something she offers as part of her consultancy packages. Her research interests stem from her work on her MA in Education on critical thinking. She is a firm advocate for reflection and research project planning with further interests in ethics in education, the value of coaching in Higher Education and researcher positionality. Alongside her education practice, Kelly begins her journey as a Doctoral Researcher in 2021. Read More Read Less

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Publisher: Sage Publications
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15 Mar 2021
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