Keith Canty

Keith CantyKeith Canty grew up in New York City, with his mother and eleven siblings. Despite his being from a low-income family, his mother Naomi Canty raised everyone to excel in school and pursue college if they wanted to pursue it. After graduating from Lon Island University, Keith went into the social service field at various positions that include being a counselor, case manager, and the higher position as an intensive case manager. He worked with clients who were mentally ill, substance abusers, those on parole, and those experiencing other social conditions. Having once had his own apartment, Keith lost his position and those siblings he once assisted, betrayed him and forced him from his mother's home. He then entered the public shelter system, and experienced the multiple dangers, of why no one should ever have to live in a facility that supplies no assistance, and clients use every kind of drugs imaginable. He wrote this book as a warning to why every person should never ever consider living in the realms of a public shelter.

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