Keith A Hoar

Keith A HoarKeith Hoar is a published author of fiction and nonfiction books. He is a former IBM Certified Business Intelligence Expert who consulted for numerous Fortune 100 companies. He designed and built executive level business intelligence suites and automted software systems for companies such as: Motorola C&E, Cigna Insurance, Hyundai Motors NA, Continental Airlines, Sprint Wireless, Wells Fargo, Banker's Insurance, and Hospital Corp. of America. Keith owned his own consulting company that built custom software systems and sophisticated data-driven reporting systems. Keith spent ten years in the U.S. Navy serving at various duty stations. At his last duty station, Naval Submarine Base New London, he was responsible for maintenance and operation of a periscope approach tactics trainer. His duties included: setup of training scenarios, input of attack center maneuvering orders, monitoring of firing point procedures, and tracking outcome of weapons launch. Not content with a successful business career, he's also published two books: The Threat of Revisionist History on America's Christian Heritage (nonfiction) and Edge of Madness, a pulse-pounding work of fiction, his first novel. A second edition nonfiction book, DECEIVED - The Assault of Revisionist History, is soon to be published. Keith is a PADI certified scuba diver with many dives all over the Caribbean. Despite his extensive travels and many achievements. Keith is a PADI certified SCUBA diver with 100+ dives all over the Caribbean. Read More Read Less

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