Kathy Fay Brown

Kathy Fay BrownKathy Brown is a native of Louisiana. She enjoys public speaking and writing. Kathy is a published author who has had a love for story sharing since she was a teenager. She is an active advocate for children's welfare and family wellness. Kathy has a unrelenting drive and compassion to educate those in her local community and abroad regarding child abuse awareness and prevention. Kathy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology and Master of Science degree in education and special education. She is an educator/public servant in the preschool-grade twelve education system. Kathy is a mother of three. Her most heartfelt desires are to leave a legacy of kindness that will inspire others to generously serve with a servant's heart, and that her creative works will outlive her and have a lasting impact for good. Kathy lives to serve. She is always doing good and helping those in need. When Kathy is not writing in her favorite quiet places, she spends most of her time enjoying family, serving the church, serving the needs of those in her community, organizing women's support/life groups, and public speaking. Kathy enjoys nature walks, exercising, and researching to increase her knowledge for a lifetime of learning. Read More Read Less

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