Kathy D FordKATHY D. FORD is an author, licensed therapist, andbusiness coach with specialized training in marriage and family, trauma andabuse, sexual addiction, and brain health. Kathy is dedicated to helping womenconnect spiritually and reslve the pain of their past so they can experience alife of abundance, grace, and impact. Kathy's own journey is an example of howGod turns messes into masterpieces. Overcoming betrayal, bankruptcy, and apainful divorce, Kathy moved beyond a place of tragedy into a place of grace.Known for her vulnerability and transparency, Kathy creates a safe space for changethrough her coaching and speaking. She longs to see the Holy Spirit bring thesame healing and success to women that she received out of her own painfulpast. Kathy makes her home in Dallas, Texas with her husband and children. Read More Read Less
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