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Kathrin King Segal

Kathrin King SegalKathrin King Segal grew up in New York City. In her teens, she began singing and playing guitar in Greenwich Village, during the heyday of the folk scene. She soon turned to theater, appearing in numerous Off- and Off-Off Broadway plays and musicals,and one notorious Broadway show. In 1991, her first novel, Wild Again, was published by Dutton/Penguin. Kathrin and her husband moved to Los Angeles, where she continued to write and perform. Her second novel, We Were Stardust, explores the burgeoning pop and folk-rock music world in the 1960s, from the Village to L.A. Having delved into the '60s and '80s, it seemed time to check out the 1970s in Bowl of Night. She's working on a new novel set in the present, as well as a memoir that covers many of the remaining decades. She's also released two CDs of mostly original songs. The novels and CDs can be found on her Amazon page and her website, her lifetime, Kathrin has been, in no particular order: actor, receptionist, dog walker, singer, cotton-factory material folder, autodidact, go-go dancer, story analyst, songwriter, manic depressive, switchboard operator, songwriter, cat rescuer, journalist, horse rider, wife, trypophobe, cancer survivor, feeder of neonatal kittens, and writer of books. Read More Read Less

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