Kathleen Henderson StaudtTrained as an academic, Kathleen Henderson Staudt (Kathy) has read and studied poetry for most of her life, writing a scholarly book and many articles on the work of the Anglo Welsh Catholic poet and artist David Jones . She began writing poetry herslf at mid-life and has found that the practice of poetry has become a spiritual practice of attention, enabling her to dwell deeply in the richness and the challenges of life, loss, relationships and transitions. In her first volume of poems, Annunciations: Poems out of Scripture (2003), she explores the way that stories from the Bible, especially (though not exclusively) the New Testament, have come alive for her and illuminated important life experiences. In Waving Back: Poems of Mothering Life, also published by Finishing Line Press, the poetry takes her through the years of child-rearing, exploring along the way themes of healing, celebration, loss and letting go. The current volume, Good Places, traces a physical journey between places, a journey that quietly becomes a time of spiritual transformation. Leaving an old home and moving to a new, these poems explore the experience of being fully present in a place, finding in the trees, the garden, the birds, light and interior spaces of an old home and a new home images for losses and the discoveries, the turnings and the seasons of life. Read More Read Less