Kathleen G Woods

Kathleen G WoodsKathleen Guthrie Woods is a San Francisco-based freelance copywriter and editor. For eight years she wrote a weekly column for LifeWithoutBaby.com, a website and blog dedicated to giving a voice to women who are childfree by chance, choice, or circumtance. She currently runs her own blog, 52Nudges, in which she takes weekly risks to push her out of her sometimes-too-comfortable nest.With Lisa Manterfield, she co-authored Life Without Baby: Holiday Companion, a compilation of humorous, healing, and thought-provoking posts designed to help other childless women get through the holidays and get closer to making peace with being childfree. The Mother of All Dilemmas is her second book.Kathleen's family of choice includes her husband and their dog, siblings and their spouses, nieces and nephews, godsons, and a wide circle of friends of all ages. She leads a full and interesting life, one that is anything but child-less. Find out about her latest creative endeavors at www.KathleenGuthrieWoods.com. Read More Read Less

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