Kate FarrellKate Farrell, MLS, is a graduate of the School of Library and Information Studies, UC Berkeley. She has been a language arts classroom teacher (pre-school and grades kindergarten through 12th), author, librarian, university lecturer, and storyteller n Northern California since 1966. She founded the Word Weaving Storytelling Project, in collaboration with the California State Department of Education funded by grants from Zellerbach Family Fund, San Francisco, 1979-1991, to train educators at all levels, and published numerous educational materials. She is author of Word Weaving: A Storytelling Workbook, 1980; co-author of a monograph, Effects of Storytelling: An Ancient Art for Modern Classrooms, 1982; author of Word Weaving: A Teaching Sourcebook, 1984; producer and co-author of a training videotape, "Word Weaving: The Art of Storytelling," 1983, distributed by the University of California, Berkeley; and author of the professional book, Storytelling: A Guide for Teachers, Scholastic, 1991. She is also senior author of Storytelling in Our Multicultural World, an oral language development program for early childhood education, published by Zaner-Bloser Educational Publishers, 1994. Farrell has edited and appeared in numerous anthologies of personal narratives. She is author of the fabulist novella, Strange Beauty, and a collection of short stories, Woman Wonder Tales. http: //katefarrell.net/ She currently offers storytelling workshops to writers in CWC branches and Mechanics Institute Library and the San Francisco Public Library and hosts a weekly storytelling blog: http: //www.storytellingforeveryone.net/ Read More Read Less