Kate BradburyKate Bradbury is an award-winning author and journalist, specialising in wildlife gardening. She edits the wildlife pages of _Gardeners' World Magazine_ and regularly writes articles for the _Daily_ and _Sunday Telegraph_, _The Guardian, RHS magazineThe Garden_ and _BBC Wildlife_ and _BBC Countryfile_ magazines. In 2015 she became the first Butterfly Ambassador for conservation charity _Butterfly Conservation_, and she writes a quarterly column for its members' magazine, Butterfly.Kate regularly talks at events and festivals, and appears on radio including _BBC Gardeners' Question Time_. She also makes wildlife gardening videos for gardenersworld.com.She lives and breathes wildlife gardening, and is currently transforming a tired north-facing patio garden into a wildlife oasis, where she hopes to attract a wealth of creatures including frogs, toads, newts, birds, beetles, hedgehogs, butterflies, not to mention her very favourite, and first love: bees. Read More Read Less
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