Karen McMullen

Karen McMullenKaren McMullen was raised in Toronto, Canada. Her mother is an artist and coach. Her father is a service-focused do-er who loves an active lifestyle and who owned a successful speciality grocery store. Karen has a BA in International Development Studes and Spanish, and a MA in International Affairs. After finishing her education, she mentored for two years with psychologists Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks. With them, she was immersed in body-centred transformation and somatic psychology. Inspired by their focus on 'genius, ' she developed a process to help her clients to discover their genius, and oftentimes to change their livelihood. Realizing that she lacked fundamental skills for growing her business, Karen studied with experts in sales and marketing. She learned quickly, adopting their methods and becoming a public speaker. Karen travelled through western Canada offering her workshop, Discover Your Genius. Her coaching and workshop business grew rapidly into a success. Years into her speaking, coaching and workshop business, she became disillusioned with her own inauthenticity as a leader and with the personal development industry she was involved in. She discovered Human Design, which helped her align with her nature and marked a significant change in direction. Karen now lives in Mexico. Since writing Alchemy of Consciousness, Karen has begun channelling a group of highly evolved beings called The Council of Light. Her second book is coming soon, Awaken To Your Starseed Mission. Karen leads an online membership group for women in awakening where she shares her latest channelled messages, energy healing and transformation work. She also offers 1-1 sessions which merge energy healing, channelled messages, Human Design and body-centred transformation. She helps her clients understand the energetic signature of their essence and to dissolve the barriers that keep them from expressing it. You can read Karen's latest writing, and take a quiz to discover your Flow archetype, as well as check out her 1-1 and group work at www.lovesexgenius.com. Feel free to connect with her at karen@liveyourgenius.com. Read More Read Less

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