Karen Haughey

Karen HaugheyAbout the Artist Karen M. Haughey has been an intuitive artist and author for over forty years. Quietly observing life since early childhood, she began reading Kahlil Gibran's books, author of The Prophet, as early as the age of ten, as well as pursung an interest in freehand drawing and painting. One of his quotes in particular has always spoken clearly- Art is one step from the visibly known toward the unknown. Deeply personal, inward visions began appearing to her in 1984 and continue to translate into etheric paintings to this day. Her first book, Angels, Guardians of the Light, was published by Louise Hay in 1995, which is a culmination of ethereal art, personal philosophies, and experiences. The original paintings contained within the book were painted in a combination of watercolor, pastel and gouache, which was not considered a typical artist technique. Over the years she had very little professional artistic discipline or instruction, and eventually developed an unusual signature style of her own in a combination of watercolor, pastel and gouache. She has also been an ordained, nondenominational healthcare chaplain for the past twenty-five years, serving in hospitals, and privately, throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. She was also a former high school teacher and student advocate for Boldly Me, a national nonprofit organization that advocates wisdom, by teaching social and behavioral health, positive communication, physical wellness, and empowering self-esteem, geared toward our youth sector. While touring nationally with Barnes and Noble and Borders Books, she also gave lectures regarding her initial spiritual experience which was also the motivating factor that led her to paint ethereal subject matter. Since then, there have been numerous multimedia presentations regarding her life, gathered on televised interviews, You Tube lectures, and public seminars regarding Louise Hay's philosophies. Louise Hay is the author of You Can Heal Your Life. Karen worked and studied with Louise personally and professionally throughout the nineties, as her art teacher and friend. Karen's art has been shown in national galleries and in private collections from coast to coast. It has also been viewed on numerous book and magazine covers, music CD's, greeting cards, puzzle designs, which also include Andrew Ramer's book, Angel Answers, Gary Markowitz's One Source, Sacred Journeys, Mindscapes, and on the cover and contents of her latest children's book, Rocky Gets Real by the talented author, Cyndie Lepori. This vividly illustrated storybook is about an abandoned rocking horse that sat in a child's nursery longing to become a real horse. Wishes are real. Most recently, she illustrated the contents and cover of the published book, Your Celestial Guide To Exercising Healthy Choices, written by Doctor Clare Steffen.Karen's original artwork is now on display at Artbeat Gallery and Studio located in Sacramento, California. She can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and the Spiritual Connection Center's website. Read More Read Less

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