Kareem Estefan

Kareem EstefanKareem Estefan is an art critic, writer, editor, and doctoral candidate in Brown University's Modern Culture and Media department, where he researches contemporary visual culture and the intersections of art, media, and politics, with a focus n the Middle East. His writing on contemporary art and cultural activism has appeared in Art in America, Art-Agenda, BOMB, The Brooklyn Rail, Frieze, Ibraaz, and The New Inquiry, among other places. From 2012-2015, Estefan was Associate Editor of Creative Time Reports, an online magazine of the New York-based public art nonprofit Creative Time, where he worked closely with artists such as James Bridle, Mel Chin, Molly Crabapple, Mariam Ghani, Emily Jacir, Naeem Mohaiemen, and Ahmet Öğüt on texts that addressed pressing political issues. Read More Read Less

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