Kane Carpenter

Kane CarpenterKane Carpenter is a marketer, growth consultant, and Managing Director at boutique employer branding, growth strategies, and organizational development consultancy, Daggerfinn, where his data-driven practice has helped drive substantial growth and cuture change to some of the most well-known and rapidly growing professional services and consumer staples brands around. In today's business landscape, marked by rapidly shifting work dynamics, Kane's expertise in organizational development, workforce culture, and employer branding stands out, empowering clients to attract and retain superior talent, build great places to work, and ultimately, grow their top and bottom lines. Kane is also a Forbes contributor, host of the Marketing Unlocked series on Careerology, and shares his thoughts on brands, business, marketing, and finance through his weekly newsletter, No Brand Left Behind. His articles, videos and podcasts reach thousands weekly. Kane also holds an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Daggerfinn is a boutique employer branding, organizational development, and growth strategies consultancy that lives at the intersection of marketing, workplace culture, and technology, providing business leaders with the data-driven strategies, tactics, insights, and tools to unlock new levels of growth for their organizations. To read more of Kane's work, visit kanecarpenter.com or connect with him on Twitter, @kanedcarpenter or LinkedIn. Read More Read Less

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