Kamran Ghasemzadeh

Kamran GhasemzadehKamran Ghasemzadeh is an associate professor in the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the Urmia University of Technology, Iran where he has been a faculty member since 2014. From 2016-2018, also, he was nominated as head of chemical engineering facuty. On the other hand, from August 2018, he is nominated as director of UUT research center in Urmia university of technology. His research interests lie in the area of membrane and membrane reactor processes, ranging from modeling to design to implementation. In recent years, he has focused on study of inorganic membranes (graphene, silica and palladium membranes) performances for gas separation and water treatment from both aspects of experimental and modeling point of views. He has collaborated actively with researchers in several other disciplines of chemical engineering, particularly simulation of chemical processes by commercial Comsol Multiphysics, Fluent and Aspen Hysys software. Moreover, he has succeeded to publish more than seventy ISI and conference papers, two patents, seven books and also more than forty book chapters. Hence, Kamran has served on roughly twenty conference and workshop program committees. Read More Read Less

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Current Trends and Future Developments on (Bio-) Membranes16 % NR
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Municipal Wastewater Treatment3 % NR
Publisher: Elsevier Science
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