Kaitlin Tonti

Kaitlin TontiKaitlin Tonti has a Ph.D. in English Literature and Criticism and has taught literature and composition at several colleges and universities. The thread that connects her scholarly interests is a fascination with individual and community identity foration. She is an expert in early American literature and the author of several publications in the early American field, including "Reclaiming the Narrative: Hamilton as a Repertory Archive" in 'The Hamilton Phenomenon'. However, Tonti has always considered popular culture and fandom as a secondary area of interest and expertise. In the past, she has studied representations of early America in popular culture and has presented on Salem 'witches' in modern television at several academic conferences. Inspired by Star Trek actors who in 2020 agreed to perform a fix-it fic interpretation about their characters via Zoom, Tonti hosted a panel on performative fan fiction at the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Conference in 2021. It evolved into this book. Furthering her interests in identity scholarship, 'Fix-It Fics: Challenging the Status Quo through Fan Fiction' explores the ways that fix-it fic authors encourage identity exploration through their writing, ultimately demonstrating that the fix-it fic is an outlet for personal advocacy and community activism. Read More Read Less

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