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Kailash Pattanaik

Kailash PattanaikKailash Pattanaik (1957 -) is one of the most powerful writers of Odia literature who has left an indelible mark in the Indian fictionscape through his reconceptualization of fables and parables in the contemporary context. Despite being a reclusive riter, he is widely read and appreciated for his creativity and innovative writing style. His love for unconventional narrative and his ability to view time and civilization from a symbolic standpoint has created room for some serious academic dialogue. His 8-fiction collection has consolidated his position as an author who loves engaging in strong social commentary. Apart from fiction, he has more than 15 books on literary criticism to his credit. Read More Read Less

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Sthabara Jangama2 % NR
Publisher: Black Eagle Books
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18 Oct 2023
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