Kadian Sansophia Thomas

Kadian Sansophia ThomasKadian Thomas is the author of the Light in the Dark, Young Adult trilogy series. Her debut novel Sparks Fly was released on June 21st, 2017, Lightning and Fire (2019), and A Flash of Darkness (2019). Kadian has been living in Mount Vernon, New York or the past five years, but grew up in Jamaica. Kadian turned to books for entertainment and became an avid reader at an early age, reading all genres of books including romance and fantasy. Kadian started creating stories at a very young age even before she wrote them down on paper; sharing them with her younger sister; Dashana. Kadian also wrote songs and poems. Growing up it has always been her dream to write and publish a book, though she thought it would have been done through her career. Kadian graduated from the University of the West Indies in Jamaica, with a Bachelors of Science in Environmental Biology, intent on getting into the field of scientific research. Kadian, however, fell into a different career path in retail. When she's not writing, Kadian can be found reading a book or binge-watching TV shows on Netflix and Hulu, also bowling with friends. Kadian also blogs under the pen name Annabelle Helen Jones, where she provides writing tips for aspiring authors, passing on useful information that she's learnt so far. Also, find Kadian on Twitter and Instagram @authorkadian, be sure to say hi when you stop by. Read More Read Less

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