Jyri Kaapro

Jyri KaaproJyri Kaapro is Senior Market Development Specialist for Envu (Australia/New Zealand). Jyri obtained his Bachelor of Natural Resource Management at the University of New England (Armidale, NSW, Australia), a Graduate Diploma in Agriculture at Charles turt University (Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia) and a Master of Agriculture, Turf Management at the University of Sydney (NSW, Australia). Jyri has been involved in the Australian turfgrass industry since the 1990s and was employed at the Australian Turfgrass Research Institute (ATRI), Sydney as Research Manager. Jyri is a member of the Australian Sports Turf Managers Association (ASTMA) and the International Turfgrass Society (ITS). Jyri has attended and presented at numerous local, state and national seminars and conferences, and has attended international conferences of the ITS. He has written numerous extension-based papers in journals associated with the Australian turfgrass industry. Jyri and Gary (with Dr A. Manners) co-authored Pest Management of Turfgrass for Sport and Recreation (CSIRO Publishing, 2016). Read More Read Less

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Biology and Integrated Management of Turfgrass Diseases38 %
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Pest Management of Turfgrass for Sport and Recreation22 %
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
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28 Nov 2016
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