June Gillam

June GillamJune Gillam has taught various English courses at San Joaquin Delta College, a California Community College, since 1990. On a California Chancellor's Grant, she pioneered online teaching in 1998, for which she was honored as a Distinguished Faculty Mmber. Among the courses she teaches are Creative Writing Fiction, World Literature, Studies in Fiction and Preparatory English. In May 2016, she completed a two-year Certificate in Novel Writing from Stanford, in which she focused on the latest in her Hillary Broome suspense novel series, House of Eire, set in Lodi, CA, and Ireland. She has been published in both academic and literary venues, most recently in the 2015 issue of Peregrine, the literary journal of Amherst Writers & Artists, available at http: //www.amherstwriters.com/awa-press/peregrine. After completing a master's degree in English, Creative Writing Emphasis, June earned a Ph.D. in Transformative Learning and Change in 2003. Her dissertation was published under the title Creating Juicy Tales: Cooperative Inquiry into Writing Story and is available at Amazon.com as are her other books, shown on her website at www.junegillam.com. Her research subject interests include the dynamics of writing and those of writing support groups-she helped to form the San Joaquin Valley Writers branch of the California Writers Club, for which she received the Jack London Award in 2017. Read More Read Less

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