Juliet Gentzkow

Juliet GentzkowJuliet Gentzkow learned of the Bahá'í Faith when a college student, and its teachings became the guiding light and primary motivating factor in her life. Following undergraduate studies in comparative religion and history of art, she completed masters degrees in both education and social work. For thirteen years, she ran a primary school inspired by Bahá'í teachings. Since then, she has worked with students of all ages. After several years of service in Guyana and then in Haiti, she returned to the United States and concentrated on clinical social work. This included coordination of a grassroots project of family empowerment; counselling with individuals and families in hospice and bereavement; and finally a private practice concentrating on fostering resilience during chronic illness and other major life transitions. Turning now to biographical writing, she continues the search to understand how purpose and vision shape motivation in ways that enable individuals to create destinies that far transcend the boundaries of their early lives. Read More Read Less

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