Julie Orlemanski

Julie OrlemanskiJulie Orlemanski (Ph.D. Harvard), The Middle Ages, is Director of Graduate Studies and Associate Professor of English at the University of Chicago. She teaches and write about texts from the late Middle Ages and theoretical and methoological questions in present-day literary studies. She is also co-editor of postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies. Her book Symptomatic Subjects: Bodies, Medicine, and Causation in the Literature of Late Medieval England considers embodiment in the historical period just prior to medicine's modernity. She is currently working on a book entitled Things Without Faces: Prosopopoeia in Medieval Writing, which is a new account of literary person-making, beginning with twelfth-century innovations in devotional imagery and speculative allegory and continuing to the reinvention of those figural techniques in the French and English poetry of the two centuries following. Read More Read Less

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