Julie I Siciliano

Julie I SicilianoDr. Julie Siciliano, Dean of the School of Business and Professor of Management at Western New England University, holds B.S.B.A. and M.B.A. degrees from Western New England University and a Ph.D. in Strategic Management from the University of Massacusetts at Amherst. Her research focuses on board of director involvement in strategic management, the relationship between strategic planning and organizational performance, and the use of strategy scorecards for tracking strategy implementation progress. Her work has been published in Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Organization Management Journal, Journal of General Management, Journal of Management Education, Journal of Education for Business, and Business Horizons. She is author of the Board's Role in the Strategic Management of Nonprofit Organizations (Garland Publishing) and is co-author of Strategize! Experiential Exercises in Strategic Management, 3rd ed. (Cengage Publishing), Management: Responsibility for Performance (McGraw-Hill) and Sport Management (South-Western College Publishing and Elsevier Publishers). Her research has been funded by grants from the Rockefeller Foundation through Yale University's Program on Nonprofit Organization, the Filene Institute through the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and from the Institute of North American Trade and Economics at the University of Massachusetts. Before entering academia, Dr. Siciliano held marketing management positions at Worthington Compressors, Inc., in West Springfield, MA, and in Buffalo, NY. Read More Read Less

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