Julie Biro

Julie BiroA love of words as a child, spelling them and forming them into sentences using the rules of language fostered a desire to record the world around me in a daily diary. This passion for the written word translated into a teaching career where I delighed in imparting my love of language to primary school students through my 20's.As an adult it was to words I turned when my life demanded understanding of the trauma I remembered I had endured as a child in my family. Now I recorded the world inside me by keeping a daily journal of my thoughts, feelings and insights that came through dreams and contemplation of the trauma. This rich narrative was very different to the one I'd been raised in as a child. It contained a vaster story, one more aligned with my own true nature expressed as my own personal myth.Most days are spent at my desk trawling through my journals delving further into my rich inner narrative to create stories for future books that I hope will inspire others to find their own stories. If I'm not at my desk I can be found somewhere in nature. On the back of the motorbike with my husband or walking our two dogs, preferably at a nearby beach with a dog friendly café to enjoy a coffee after our walk. Read More Read Less

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