Julianne Mundle

Julianne MundleJulianne Mundle is a Jamaican-Canadian author based in Brampton, Ontario. She is the author of Shoot Your Shot and Come With the Fire. Receiving a BA from McMaster University, her creative nonfiction has been published in McMaster's, The Silhouette ad The Writers Collective of Canada's third anthology entitled Front Lines. Born in Manchester, Jamaica, Julianne lives in Canada with her husband. When not writing, you can find her travelling home to her beloved island or reading stacks of books.When Julianne moved to Canada in 2010, her simple life became complicated. It was a shocking transition for her whole family. She traded in island life for anxiety, differences in cultural beliefs with peers, discrimination and social marginalization, navigating her culture and Canadian culture. It was a lot to handle. So she began pouring herself into writing and slowly her experiences and imagination melted into the beginning of Come With the Fire. Come With the Fire is a relatable story for readers who understand the experience of living between old and new countries while exploring old and new identities. Read More Read Less

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Come With The Fire22 % NR
Publisher: Mundle Books
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07 Dec 2021
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