Julian AvilaJulian Avila is a programmer and data scientist in the fields of finance and computer vision. He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in mathematics, where he researched quantum mechanical computation, a field involving physcs, math, and computer science. While at MIT, Julian first picked up classical and flamenco guitar, machine learning, and artificial intelligence through discussions with friends in the CSAIL lab. He started programming in middle school, including games and geometrically artistic animations. He competed successfully in math and programming and worked for several groups at MIT. Julian has written complete software projects in elegant Python with just-in-time compilation. Some memorable projects of his include a large-scale facial recognition system for videos with neural networks on GPUs, recognizing parts of neurons within pictures, and stock market trading programs.Trent Hauck is a data scientist living and working in the Seattle area. He grew up in Wichita, Kansas and received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Kansas.He is the author of the book Instant Data Intensive Apps with pandas How-to, by Packt Publishing--a book that can get you up to speed quickly with pandas and other associated technologies. Read More Read Less
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