Judy Richichi

Judy RichichiJudy Richichi is the Director of Development for Youth For Christ Winnipeg, one of the largest YFC chapters in Canada. She has been serving in ministry for fourteen years with a focus on helping the marginalized and vulnerable members of society. Sheknows firsthand the importance of safe places that help people find community and experience positive peer mentorship. Having spent most of her youth in and out of foster care, group homes, and on the street, she has learned that God never leaves or forsakes His people. She has been speaking on the subject of homelessness for more than ten years and seeks to inspire people to get involved in their community and be a part of the solution. She has a Business Administration diploma from Red River College and serves on various boards. She currently serves on the board of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities, helping ministries succeed in a complex world. She has been married for thirty-five years and has four adult children. Read More Read Less

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By the Grace of God Go We28 % NR
Publisher: Word Alive Press
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15 Jul 2021
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